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Kasper Vrolijk succeeds Mahieu at Pinoké

Editors Hoofdklasse |01.03.2025

Kasper Vrolijk will become the head coach of Pinoké's men's side next season. He succeeds Jesse Mahieu, who is leaving for the women of Amsterdam.

Vrolijk is no stranger to the Steekneuzen. He was previously coach of JO18-1, trainer of the first women's team and he was the assistant coach of Men 1. Before that, he was active for many years as trainer/coach at MHC Alliance, where he was in charge of, among others, the women's team.

In the past two years, Vrolijk was also responsible for the top youth of Pinoké. During that period, he guided several youth players to Men's 1 and Women's 1. He was also involved in training youth coaches at the Amsterdam club.

'We are extremely happy with Kasper's appointment,' says Pinoké chairman Seerp Gratama. 'He is a real connector and has developed fantastically. We are convinced he will take the club and the first men's team to new heights.'

Foto tekenen contract kasper met seerp en antal

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